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To Instructors:  Thank you for reviewing these important details and reminders:

Please periodically check to make sure that you are:

And see these links to:

  • renew your company membership - call 518-438-2365 for a quote

  • become an instructor with NSC once again – retake an Instructor Development Course

  • brush up on how to print Flagger certificates,

  • learn how to distribute first aid CPR e-certificates,

  • or to contact us at NSC’s New York Chapter, Your Chapter!

  • Download FA CPR Train-the-Trainer Materials - must be a Train-the-Trainer​




Location of Class - for DDC a location form for a new location is important for us to receive.  We need square footage of the room, it needs to be handicap accessible, no public walkthroughs and no alcohol;  for FA CPR - make sure that the room is large enough for mannequins on the floor, all CPR practice must be done on the floor, not on a table.


Am I current?  Instructor Lookup -  type in your INSTRUCTOR ID # only - DO NOT type in your name and zip code, this doesn't always find you.

Can't find your ID?  Cll us or NSC to obtain it.  It must be on all training you do.  Know it and print yourself a card or take a photo of it.  You are responsible for writing it on your training rosters. Moreover, when it comes to generating ecards, I believe that if you don't know it, you will not be able to create certificates.  We are trying to avoid that problem.


Subtitles - The DDC and FA CPR media have subtitles.  Start the program and for DDC, click the little rectangle in the bottom left corner [=,] looks something like this to represent words on a screen.  FA CPR has subtitles on/off - make sure to learn how to do it in case needed.  We don't want to exclude anyone or to have content be lost.


Roadblocks - my cell has been provided* for any issues, roadblocks, problems.  Anything during the work hours, please ring the office instead.

*for emergency situations only


On-Time - if you are not on-time due to an unforeseen situation, hands-free call me or your onsite contact


Code to get in at 45 Colvin - please put it in your phone or wallet - don't know it, call us to obtain it before your class 


Attendance sheets - If we can't read the spellings of names, the certificates will be delayed, tell your students this.  Have them write large enough to decipher letters - when I get an attendance sheet that I can't read, it brings us to a crawl for what we have to do to get these out in a timely fashion.    EMAIL addresses are critical for FA CPR certificates with ecard system.   Signatures on DDC cards are as well.


Renewals -

DDC renewals on 1x per year - 9/30/20xx  - make sure to renew individually or group renewal   

FA CPR renewals are every 2 years or the first year if you are a new instructor and that is 1 year from the date you became an instructor.  Every instructor has their own renewal date - this can be found in the instructor lookup.





CEC - Is a continuing education course.  It is separate from DDC renewal and required of all Instructors every 2 years. 

Scheduling DDC - 30 days before the class - no flex on this due to DMV regulations


Confirmation that Class Approved - if you didn't receive a confirmation, the class is not a go.  Only approved classes and locations can take place.  Print your confirmation and put it with your class materials. 


Class Max - will be determined by the classroom you use.  (15 ft sq per person)  40 is always the max for rooms larger or equal to 600 ft sq.

 i.e. room 20 x 30 = 600 / 15 = 40 max

 i.e. room 20 x 25 = 500 /15 = 33 max

 i.e. room 18 x 22 = 396 / 15 = 26 max 

 i.e. room 10 x 12 = 120 /15 = 8 max


DDC drop off or mail - if you can't get DDC paperwork to me within 3 days, scan all and email it to me immediately and then mail.  


Need DDC materials?  - 2 weeks before your class, please make sure you have all materials in stock - if not, please email your order to us 


DDC Instructor Materials 


Qty needed?  books, forms, date of next class






E-cards, instructor ecards -certificates will be electronic very soon.  You may use your stock until it runs out.  Instructors, if you want an instructor card, please go to the lookup and print with the logo shown below.  NSC is not printing and mailing cards.


Webinar - If you missed the FA CPR webinar about ecards, use this link to learn how:   

First Aid Digital Certificate Platform Overview for Training Centers & Administrative Staff - National Safety Council (


Video from NENY on Digital Certificates:








Ped Kit - Order now!  If you do not purchase a Pediatric Kit, you will only be able to print Adult FA CPR ecards, so be prepared!




Renewals - they are like annual (newbies) or bi-annual dues - you must renew to keep current.  If you are not current, you cannot teach.  If you are not current, you will not be able to print ecards - the system will most likely flag you and block the printing - I haven't seen it in action, but my guess is you will be in a bind, so don't be that person!


Transition What is Transition?  It is not renewal, it is owning the new material First Aid 8th edition ('FA8") that came out Spring 2022 or the WORKZONE FLAGGER 4th edition out Winter 2023.  You may still transition if you have not yet done so, please send us an email requesting to order the transition kit. 


Membership - Your agency or company can become members to save on materials.  Don't know if you are, please contact us or NSC 1-800-621-7615


Who owns the INSTRUCTOR kit - Your instructor kit was purchased by your company so it belongs to the company.  If you resign, the kit can be given to you by the company.  If they do not give it to you, you must purchase a new kit.  You would still be current as an instructor, but need to have your own kit and media.


Orders - Orders for materials should be submitted to our office two weeks before needing for class.  If you are in a bind, we may have some in-stock, but give us time please to fill the orders.


How many?  What product?  When is your class?  Ship to? 


Template Word/Excel - If you don't know how to successfully print certificates, please use the templates attached and do a HOW TO MERGE FROM EXCEL TO WORD tutorial - google it and study up.  It is very helpful to know this!


Botched Certificates? - scan or take a photo and send to me to replace with a new one $3 per plus shipping.  You cannot order certificates without a book order unless you send me these scans/pics.


​​​Please make sure that you have read all that pertains to you above.  Thank you.


Please click the paper clip for the Train-the-Trainer materials

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NSC DE&I Commitment Statement


As a Chapter of NSC, we demonstrate our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through our culture and our values. Our culture embraces all people regardless of ancestry, color, national origin, race, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, or veteran status.* We boldly empower our team to model respect and dignity. We find impactful opportunities for growth and development. We create a safe environment that includes mental, physical, psychological, and emotional protections. To be NSC is to deliver our mission by working together — our employees, members, and stakeholders — in such a way that everyone feels a sense of belonging.  We believe that you can’t be safe if you don’t feel safe. Feeling safe requires a commitment to equitable policy implementation and promoting diversity in the safety profession. We must cultivate our own diverse, inclusive, and equitable work environment to deliver on our mission to save lives, from the workplace to anyplace.


NSC and Safety Council NY is an equal opportunity employer.



National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

The passage of NEPA resulted in the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. The "Congressional declaration of purpose" section at the beginning of the Act explains that NEPA's purpose is, "To declare a national policy which will encourage productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment; to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man; to enrich the understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the Nation; and to establish a Council on Environmental Quality." While the EPA is heavily involved with NEPA, the White House also appoints the Council on Environmental Quality, which oversees the implementation of NEPA across all agencies.








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